Dear Friends and Neighbors:
As I begin my letter to you I realize that this is the 55th time I am composing my annual appeal for the Bearcamp Valley School and Children’s Center. The most amazing thing to me continues to be the commitment of all of you who support the school and help fill the financial gap for the families we serve. And you do it year after year. We ask for your generous support as we close another successful and eventful year at our school.
The impact of what we do together really struck me in a recent conversation I had with one of our student’s grandparents. We discovered that their grandchild is the fourth generation to attend BVSCC, because the grandmother’s father had been in my first of kindergarten!
Since that very first kindergarten class we have been dedicated to providing the highest caliber of early childhood support, both in early education and child care, to the residents of this community. We pride ourselves on being a child care center that supports all the needs of families, providing early morning and late afternoon care, while keeping their children safe and nourished.
This year started with an unforeseen event, as always seems to be the way, with our two-door upright refrigerator needing to be replaced immediately. Thankfully we were able to keep our doors open through a donation of $500.00 leveraged a grant from N.H. Health that paid the remaining $2500.00. We are also grateful to The Yankee Smokehouse who offered food storage. Our childcare service never missed a beat. It’s a wonderful example of why our town and your collective support is so special.
As you know, high quality and reliable child care is so important in supporting families and for the development of young children. Since 2009, we have maintained the honor of being one of New Hampshire’s child care centers that meets the notable standards of Licensed PLUS. What this means is that we exceed licensing requirements and are considered a high quality child care program.
For the children enrolled in our center, we offer a home away from home. The children are of all ages. Many enroll in the before and after school program, arriving and returning safely from the KA Brett school. The youngest are toddlers who receive the support and encouragement they need to attain new learnings and skills.
Simply, we are an organization dedicated to the children in our care. Our mission is to empower children to be caring, creative, hardworking and playful contributors to their community. Where the child’s family is their own first teacher of the world, we open our doors and hearts to serve as the child’s first experience of community. We foster the beautiful curiosity and imagination each child brings forward, and through teachable moments and experiences with their peers, we enable their growth in all areas of development.
The other news this past year was welcome and exciting. Former student and assistant director, Nichole Cotton, returned in March to become Co-Director of our Center. Nichole had been teaching children with Special Needs at a Montessori Based School in Maine for two years. Previously she had taught in the Ossipee Central School Preschool program as well as BVS&CC.
She is a gifted teacher of children with special and regular needs children. She teaches half time in the three-year old program and spends the other half of her time running the school. She has increased enrollment the preschool, prekindergarten, and the before and after school population. She is a scribe for Board of Directors and initiated the in-house fund raising efforts. Her enthusiasm and abilities are very special. We are very lucky to have her talents at BVS&CC.
I remain as always part of the school. I am “ a closer” during the time children are picked up from 3-6 pm, a mentor to our staff, sponsor for the USDA Children and Adult Food Program for seven childcare facilities, and spearhead our fund raising efforts.
Special thanks to our Board of Directors and Jonathan Rivers who recently hosted a cross country golf Tournament at the Indian Mound Golf Course between snow storms.
Thank you all for the gift of strong support that you have provided over 55 years. We hope you will continue to help us as we move our organization forward for future generations. Your gift is appreciated and needed, and will be put immediately to work for the care of our children.
Thank you all for being part of our four generation Tamworth story.
Nancy R Coville, Administrative Director
Nichole Cotton, Co- Director
Board of Directors
Ebony Fullilove (acting President) Anneliese Smith- Treasurer Kim Whitefeather- Secretary
Leo Greene – Director Hope Requardt – Director Angela Flint – Director
Jennifer Kampsnider – Director Florence Lemay – Director
Dedicated First and Always to Children